Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
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There are scenarios where you need to understand what is happening in the environment, in your application, in the OS. Rebooting the machine and losing what is happening is not an option.

Whether the application is consistent in generating Logs, or Windows is able to keep the logs of a problem while the machine is “locked” it already helps considerably, but there are scenarios where unfortunately everything stops in such a way that unfortunately only one reboot saves, but you will lose the traceability of the problem.

For situations like this, some servers have another OS interrupt button right next to the on/off button where it forces the memory to be dumped through a Blue Screen of Death into the dump file for further analysis of what happened (check the manufacturer's manual).

For other scenarios, especially when you don't have access to the physical server, there is the option of adding two registry keys that will generate this BSOD on your Windows (Client or Server).

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; For PS/2 keyboards

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services i8042prt Parameters]


; For USB keyboards

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services kbdhid Parameters]


Once these keys have been added, restart your Windows.

Pressing CTRL + 2x Scroll Lock Windows will start the Blue Screen process.


There are other settings needed for this to work properly and for you to have something to analyze!

Disk space (Normally no one cares where the Page File is, not even the Dump configuration)

Dump configuration (If you've never touched it, it's Full RAM and will generate the file on drive C)

More disk space (The generation of the Dump file comes with the RAM and the contents of the PF, at the end of the process Windows generates a new PF)

Time (it is totally variable since it is all the machine's memory being stored in a file, the more RAM used the larger the file)

If you can generate a successful dump, you will be able to analyze with WinDbg.

Good Luck.

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